Trap #7 Continues

Man Vs Mouse

Research 1
Research 2
Trap #1
Trap #2
Trap #3
Trap #4
Trap #5
Trap #6
Trap #7
Trap #8
Trap #9
Trap #10
The End

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© 2000 Paul Perkins

Mmmm... Extra crunchy!

    I set the trap up on a cinder block.  If the fleabag does burn there's no reason to let it set my shed on fire.
    I used peanut butter as bait again.  I mixed in a whole lot of bird seed and soy nuts (hippie food).

Making the extra crunchy even crunchier!Buffet
A mousey feast!

    I set up a series of ramps to allow the mouse easy access to the bait.

   I plugged in the wires.  All I had to do was flip the breaker on the surge protector to make the trap live.  I didn't know what would happen.  I tried to position the peanut butter in a way that it wouldn't complete the circuit.  I didn't know what to do with the ground wire so I kept that loose.  I didn't want to get close to it when I flipped the breaker, so I used a broom handle (as seen below, in the bottom right of the picture).

No explosions... whew!
Armed and waiting.

The Next Day...