Trap #4

Man Vs Mouse

Research 1
Research 2
Trap #1
Trap #2
Trap #3
Trap #4
Trap #5
Trap #6
Trap #7
Trap #8
Trap #9
Trap #10
The End

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© 2000 Paul Perkins


OK... not so original.

    My outstanding new idea in mouse killing wasn't quite as original as I had planned.  I decided to replace the flawed element in the last trap (the stick) with something stronger (a nail).  I put a penny on the ground so that the nail would slip easier, and bring the gravitational compression device crashing down.  I laced the nail through several pretzels.  The mouse seemed to love pretzels, and they have the the fortitude (the scientific word for strength, used primarily by people who want to seem smarter than they actually are) to pull the nail should a mouse tug on them.

Bite me!
You can see the penny underneath.

The Results...