What's next?  I dunno.

Man Vs Mouse

Research 1
Research 2
Trap #1
Trap #2
Trap #3
Trap #4
Trap #5
Trap #6
Trap #7
Trap #8
Trap #9
Trap #10
The End

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© 2000 Paul Perkins

    I have one idea that I'm kicking around, but there's a good chance that it could lead to a lawsuit if the wrong people got informed.  The first and only time I met my neighbor he said he'd shoot my big gray dog if it kept harassing his chickens.  What a nice welcome to the neighborhood!  He said that he'd just bought 100 chicks for something like eight bucks.  Big whoop.  I didn't have a dog at the time.  When I told him this, he said he'd still shoot my dog.  I assured the guy that I was pretty sure I didn't have a dog.  He asked if I was sure, because he'd shoot it if it bothered his chickens.  Again, I said that I didn't have a dog.  He said he'd shoot it anyway.  I told him to go ahead and shoot the bitch.  I said a lot of other stuff too when he was out of earshot.
    I got a couple puppies a few weeks later, and eventually his stinking chickens started wandering up into my yard.  The chickens drive my fenced in dogs crazy.
    One day I was putting birdseed into our bird feeder and the dogs got a hold of the seed.  The gulped down huge mouthfuls of birdseed.  I didn't think dogs would eat birdseed like that.  The next day the dogs pooped birdseed logs.
   My dogs eat and poop birdseed.  Chickens eat birdseed.  You are what you eat.  My neighbor eats chickens.  In scientific form: poop = seed = chicken = neighbor.  Therefore neighbor = dog shit.

The dogs have learned to knock the bird feeder,
thereby spilling the delicious seed.

A few things hold me back  First is that some weird disease will be passed on to the neighbor's family.  Secondly, I fear that somehow the neighbor will find out what I did and either sue my ass or shoot it.  Or he might shoot my dogs. 

Any ideas?  Write me:  pennywise@hotmail.com
