Trap #4 Results

Man Vs Mouse

Research 1
Research 2
Trap #1
Trap #2
Trap #3
Trap #4
Trap #5
Trap #6
Trap #7
Trap #8
Trap #9
Trap #10
The End

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© 2000 Paul Perkins

Flys doing-it.

    A apologize for the fly porn.  Evidently I consumed too much gain-water and filmed these flys doing-it for a awhile.  Eventually one flew away, taking the other with it.  I really don't recall filming this for so long.  I only had about thirty seconds of experiment footage.
    Eventually I made my way into the shed and saw this:

    As you can see, the bait wasn't touched.  I didn't really care, because I had fly porn on film.  Wow.  Lucky me.  (I am such an idiot.)
    I decided to give up on the brick concept, and kicked it over.  Then I shot the bait as it would have looked if a mouse had tugged in it.  Imagine those pretzels are mouse bones.

Fee Fie Fo Fum!
FUM, dammit!
I'll crush your bones to make my bread!

The Fiendishly Clever Trap #5...