Trap #2 Results

Man Vs Mouse

Research 1
Research 2
Trap #1
Trap #2
Trap #3
Trap #4
Trap #5
Trap #6
Trap #7
Trap #8
Trap #9
Trap #10
The End

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© 2000 Paul Perkins

The pretzels are gone!

    I came back a day later.  It was hot out, so I had a couple beers first.  It's important for scientists to keep cool in the field.
    The first thing I noticed when I entered the shed was the smell.  The beer had turned rancid over the course of the day.  Phew!  I've heard talk about skunky beer, but I've never experienced it first hand.  This stuff stunk up the place.  Either that, or the "manly mouse" had some manly flatulence ("flatulence" is the scientific name for farting).
    A lot of the beer was gone.  Either the mouse drank a lot or there was massive evaporation.  I guess it could be a combination of both.  Regardless, what was left was pretty gross.  Originally the wooden mouse trap was floating along merrily, but over the 24 hours it had became waterlogged (or beerlogged) and had sunk to the bottom.
    I concluded that mice have an affinity for pretzels, but not for swimming in beer.  Perhaps mice can't swim?  Or maybe it just didn't want to make a fool of itself in front of the beautiful ladies?  Regardless, I can only conclude that it did not get drunk.  If it were drunk I'd have found it sloshing around the beer pool, making a mouse-ass of itself, trying to impress the models.

No mas!
The pretzels are gone.

Trap #3